Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K8105 JANG YOUNG IN > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K8105 JANG YOUNG IN [2]

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 22:08:05    조회: 2,358회    댓글: 2


Before we arrive to the Philippines I packed my things first. My mom helps me in packing my things to bag and everything. On December 23, 2018 I went to airport. I took an airplane with the Korean Staff. I arrived in the Philippines on December 24, 2018 2:00 am. I felt tired because I arrived at 2:00 am in the Philippines. My first day is boring. I also felt sleepy, so I slept during my first day. My first day is strange to me, I met friends and we talked to each other. On my first day, I felt excited for the whole camp. I joined CIA English Camp because my mom told me English is important. We also travelled the world and I found out that English is useful. I can also use English to communicate with other people. I joined this camp to learn new things and to learn different culture. CIA camp is fun and enjoyable. My first friend’s name is Rookie. He is nice and good to me. We played after the class and we talk about our families and other friends. I met a lot of friends in CIA camp. I had a lot of memorable experiences in CIA camp. I participated different activities like Zip line, edge Coaster, Water Sports and many others. I really love activities, it was fun and interesting. There are activities that are little bit scary but I have to try. It was really a memorable experience to me. 6.What are the things you’ve learned in CIA English Camp? I learned English in CIA. My handwriting is going better. I learned how to toss a coin. I also learned games of the Philippines. I also learned Cebuano language. I don’t want to joined CIA camp again because I really miss my family. CIA is fun and enjoyable but one camp is enough for me. I just want to experience on how to meet new friends CIA. It was fun and interesting. Many activities built my personality.



작성자: Heenim님     작성일시:

Finally find the info someone asked the other day about Johnny Depp on https://www.celebheightwiki.com/ I was looking for it all over the web and luckily found it!

작성자: 123님     작성일시:

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