Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K4037 LEE JI AN > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K4037 LEE JI AN

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-20 20:08:42    조회: 1,746회    댓글: 0


           I feel excited during the first day in CIA Camp but at the same time, I am also tired from the jetlag. The reason why I joined CIA Camp, it is because I want to learn and study English language and to have new friends. Aside from that, I want to experience and enjoy different activities. They’re very nice to me. I love to spend my time with them here in CIA Camp. My most memorable experience in CIA English Camp is when we go to J- Park. It is the place that has many beautiful views and it was fun being there. There are a lot of things I’ve learned in CIA. First, I’ve learned a lot of vocabulary words, grammar rules and reading comprehension which makes me improved with my Communication Skills. Second, I’ve learned how to socialize with my new friends and even my Filipino teachers using English language as a Communication tools. And the last one is to become responsible with a help of Korean and Filipino staffs. I want to join CIA Camp again because it was so fun and I have great experiences in this camp. Aside from that, the Filipino teachers and staff are so great! I am proud to be part of CIA English Camp!




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