Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K4034 SONG CHAN HEE > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K4034 SONG CHAN HEE

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-20 20:00:53    조회: 1,511회    댓글: 0


I arrived in the Philippines, January 06,2019. That day, it was my first day in CIA. I was so tired so I slept early. I feel shy also because I don't know yet my roommates. My first day here in CIA camp, I was so nervous and scared that time. But that day, we started to talk our roommates and we played also. It was so fun because we made a lot of games. I joined CIA camp because my parents send me here. When my mom approaches me, I was embarrassed because I don’t want to go in Philippines. Though, I was angry but I don’t have a choice to follow them. My first friend here is Sean. My roommates also. I don’t like him because his fart smell is very bad, I don’t like his fart. Last Sunday, I was enjoyed the activities. We go to Mactan Newtown, we rode Jet ski and banana boat. I won't forget that moment because it’s so fun. The things I've learned here in CIA, English Language I don't want to join CIA again. Because CIA foods are stupid and idiot. That's why I don’t want to join again here because I hate their foods.



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