Logger Script 32th CIA English camp : K4033 SONG DONG HYUK > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp : K4033 SONG DONG HYUK

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-20 19:58:56    조회: 1,486회    댓글: 0



On my first day here in CIA, I didn’t feel good. I miss my family and the orientation day wasn’t fun. Anyway, it was orientation so all we have to do was to listen and know the rules that we need to follow. I meet a lot of people here in Cebu. I think my mother sent me in CIA English camp because she wants me to study English. In addition, my parents want me to talk to foreign people and practice my skill in English communication. When I grow up I will work with foreign people. And if I don’t know how to speak English, I can’t communicate with them well and couldn’t do my job well. That is why my parents sent me here in CIA English camp. I learned a lot here in CIA English camp aside from learning how to speak English. I learn more Grammar lessons and also so much vocabularies. Lastly, I many things and part of them are from my friends. I will join CIA English Camp again.




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