Logger Script 캠프후기 [C4021박건호] > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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캠프후기 [C4021박건호]

작성자: 영어캠프팀님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,440회    댓글: 0

Topic:the cia camp life

when i arrived here. i felt very humid. but it is not really humid. when rainy and sunny. it is the real humid in philippines.i think it is easy to move same scheduleeveeyday. but i experienced that. i know this is very hard. it is very tired to study very hard and get up early. but learning english in other country is interresting. they are very positive and kind. i have many freind here. and i intimate with teachers. they have passion to teach. weekend travel is the most interesting activity in here. first weekend we went to the sea and we did snorkeling. it was very exciting. and we had delicious lunch. second weekend was in cart-zone and sm shopping. sm is very big to shopping. i lost my way back. so i arrived at the hotel late. and third weeend. we had a tour to BOHOL. I wachted chocolate hiils. it was very beutiful. and tarsier monkey is tiny and very cute. i think cia camp os nice. the food is delicious.sometimes we can taste korean food. and we have many events in here. the most good thing in here is i can improve my english skills. i think i am learning only speaking. but i learn writting.listening.and vocabulary. and i have self-confidence to speaking english. if i can join this camp again. i want to exprerience many different things.


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