Logger Script 캠프후기 [C4001김수정] > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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캠프후기 [C4001김수정]

작성자: 영어캠프팀님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,283회    댓글: 0

I stayed here for 3 weeks.
There are many things happened in here.
First saturday i went to caubian island.
I swam in the sea and we did snolkeling under the sea.
It was beautiful! and I ate some seafood.
It was very delicious because i was very tired to swimming.
Second saturday i went kartzone.
i drove a car. it was interesting.
It was very fun and i went to SM mall too.
I did my mission with my friends.
and i bought some perfume for my mom.
i ate some delicious food in SM mall
it was very funny day.
Today we had a school visit and
study with filipino students
it was interesting.
There are many memorable happenings in CIA.
I have only 9days left here.
I want to make more good memorize here.


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