CIA Is fun to Study 6105sonjeonghyo <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
손정효Eric August 12th
When I arrived in the Phlippines. I feel bored and scared because many times we have to study in CIA camp with the Korean teachers who are very strict.Philippines is very good because Philippines has many beautiful places and many islands. When I arrived in the camp I feel happy and excited to meet the Filipino teachers. I met many friends in this camp. They are Jeff and James. They are kind
.friendly and always help me in many other ways. During saturdays we usually go S.M. S.M is very big and very famous in Cebu. I can buy a lot of things specially toys.Then we went to
Fort San Pedro and we counted the canons. Fort San Pedro was made long time ago.Then we went to Teacher Rona's house for the homestay.We also had a party. listened to Filipino music and rode
on a tricycle .I learned that some Filipino were poor but very kind.
Lastly.I am planning to go back for the winter camp
내가 필리핀에 도착했을때.나는 지겹고 두려웠다.왜냐하면 많은 시간동안 영어공부를 하고 스태프 들이 무서웠기 때문이다.
필리핀은 좋은곳이다.왜냐하면 필리핀은 많은 멋진장소와 많은섬을 가지고 있기 때문이다.그리고 여기캠프에 도착했을때 필리핀 선생님을 만나는게 즐거웠다.저번캠프때나는 많은친구를만났다그중에서도JEFF와 JAMES를만났다.그들은착하고많은친구에게친절하다.
토요일마다우리는SM을 간다.SM은 크고 세부에서가장 유명한곳 이다.그리고우린는산페드로 요새를갔다. 산페드로 요새는 오랜시간동안 만들어진것이고.우리는그곳의 대포를세었다.그리고 홈스태이로 로나샘집에갔다.우리는그곳에서몇몇의 필리핀사람은 가난하나친절한것을본받을것이다.
마지막으로 나는겨울캠프에올예정이있다.