Logger Script 16회 주니어 영어캠프 [4215 이서연] > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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16회 주니어 영어캠프 [4215 이서연]

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,310회    댓글: 0

First. my mother introduced this camp and i was thinking that i want to go this camp and i decided to go this camp.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

But. this camp was my first time.

This was also my first time to go in a foreign country that's why i was afraid but it was okay because my friends were with me.

It was good fortune.

My first day in CIA was different than what i was expecting.

I was very disappointed because my room was bad.

First time. the food and life environment were very strange.

But . i want to stay this camp someday.

I already like my room. the food and life environment. they were all good.

After one week. i didn't envy anymore those who go back to korea because i want to stay here more.

I like to go shopping at SM. It was pleasant. In SM. I ate many delicious foods. I always want to go shopping at SM.

I also like to go outside CIA campground. In riding a bus. I always wanted to look outside the window because i wanted to see the different views here in the Philippines.

The weather is very hot but home visit. Taoist temple. Cebu city tour. Plantation bay were very funny.

Specially home visit with my favorite teacher's house.

Then i had fun.

In here. i can make many friends and I have a chance to talk and be freinds with Philippine teachers. It was very fun and my English ability was improved.

Before. it was awkward and I was disappointed but now. I am having fun.

Now. I can make experiences in CIA camp. If I have a chance. I want to join this camp again.


처음에 엄마가 소개해준 캠프에 절말 가고싶다는 생각이들어서 가기로 결절했다.

하지만 영어캠프도 처름이고.혼자 외국에 가는것도 처음이어서 무서웠지만. 그나마 친구가 가줘서 다행이었다.

첫날 CIA캠프장에 와서는. 너무 나의 상상과 달랐다.

그래서 실망을 많이했고. 방도 마음에 들지않았다.

처음엔 음식도. 생활환경도  별로라고 생각했지만. 정말 몇일있으니 여기남아있는것도 괜찮고. 나중에가는 다른아이들이 부럽기 보다는.

여기더  있고 싶다는 생각까지 들었다...

그리고 항상 캠프장 밖으로 놀러갈때는 항상 들뜨고.즐거운 마음이다.

왜냐하면. 첫날에는 어둡고 피곤해서 보지못했던 필리핀의 바깥풍경이 너무신기하고 새로웠기 때문이다.


덥긴했어도 홈비짓.도교사원.세부시티투어.플랜테이션배이도 너무 즐거웠다.

특히 홈비짓은 내가 재밌게 수업한 선생님의 집에가게되어서 더욱 좋았다.

여기서는 친구들도 많이 사귈수있고. 필리핀선생님들과도 친해질수 있는기회가 생겨서 좋은것 같다.

필리핀 선생님들과 이야기를하면. 더재밌고 영어실력도 느는것 같다.

처음에는 어색하고 실망을 했어도. 지금은 즐겁고 재밌다.

지금 CIA영어캠프에서 다양한것을 체험할수 있었던것같다.

그래서 기회가 된다면 다시 참가하고 싶다.




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