Logger Script 16회 주니어 영어캠프 [6010 김아현] > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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16회 주니어 영어캠프 [6010 김아현]

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,399회    댓글: 0

This is my first time to travel alone without our parents. On our way to the resort. I felt nervous because this is a strange place for me. But I told myself that I have to take it as a challenge. The first day. I felt little scared because it's only me. my brother and my cousin know ourselves well. We don't have friends yet. But as the days passed. I started to meet friends. They are my roommates. Their names are Liz. Gina and Ashley. We had lot of fun. We talk every night before going to bed. Everyday. we make diary and some teacher check it every night. Every weekend we have outings. First. we went to SM. I bought cookies and dried mango. After that. we went to the beach. We rode on a banana boat. I had fun. The next weekend. we went to Crocolandia. I enjoyed watching crocodiles and snake but it was a little bit scary. We also had our Cebu City Tour. It was not exciting because the weather is hot. I also experienced riding on an Edge Coaster. I did't feel scared. It was very funny. Lastly. we went to an Orphanage. We also had a wonderful experience with friends. Filipino teachers and children in the orphanage. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

These are just few of the things I can't forget in this camp!


이것은부모님없이 혼자온 첫 캠프이다.여기왔을때.느낌이좋지않았다.왜냐하면 이곳이어떤것인지나는몰랏기때문이다.하지만 나는 도전을했다.첫번째날에는 조금 무서웠다. 왜냐하면 혼자있지만 내의동생이랑 사촌도같이왔기때문이다. 우리는 친구와같이왔지않았다.하지만 곧있어 친구를만났다.그들은내의 룸메이트이다.그들의이름은 권혜인.허진솔.신소영이다.우리는매일밤침대위에서 이야기를했다.매일우리는일기를쓰고선생님이 맹닐밤 확인을했다.매주주말은 밖으로나갔다.첫번째로 우리는SM을갔다.나는 과자랑건망고를샀다.그후에 우리는 해변에갔다.우리는바나나보트를탔다.나는 재미있었다.그다음주말에는 우리는 악어농장을갔다.우리는악어와뱀을보는것이재미있었다. 하지만조금무서웠다.우리는세부시티를갔다.나는흥미롭지않았다 왜냐하면날씨가 매우더웠다.나는 엣지코스터를탔다.나는무섭지않았다.이것은매우잼있었다.마지막으로.우리는 고아원에갔다.우리는아름다운 경험을했다친구들과함께.필리핀선생님과 아이들과함께 놀았다.

이것들은 내가이캠프에서 잊지못할경험들이다!


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