Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K6004 KIM JUNSANG > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K6004 KIM JUNSANG

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 14:50:57    조회: 1,414회    댓글: 0


I rode an airplane and arrived in the Philippines on December 22, 2018. It was my first in the Philippines and I want to experience their culture and traditions. I felt tired and sleepy because it was very hot and I arrived at Crown Regency Hotel early in the morning. I was so tired on my first day in CIA. I joined CIA English Camp to learn and study English. In addition, I want to tour Philippines tourist attractions and to meet new friends. My first friend in CIA camp we're Stella, Jenny Alicia and Lina. We are kind to each other and we have similarities when it comes to our hobbies. We played together and made a lot of memories to each other. There were many memorable experiences in CIA camp like CIA students went to J-Park. J-Parks buffet was good. There were lots of food like sushi, chicken, beef, and their water slides were fun because it was fast. The most memorable one was shopping activity because I could buy snacks and things that I want. On the other hand, I enjoyed so much during zip line, Jet ski and banana boat activity where I made lots of memories with my friends. I've learned a lot of things in CIA English Camp especially my reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Before I came here, my English communication was not good but thanks to my teachers I enhanced those skills. Another thing was I learned to trust people, respect others, cooperate, boost my confidence and build friendship. I also developed my understanding in grammar. I want to join again because I like CIA. It was fun studying in CIA English Camp at the same time I learned a lot about English and my teachers are very kind. I want to come back next summer and winter camp




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