Logger Script 18th CIA Junior Camp 4010 정현우 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Junior Camp 4010 정현우

작성자: CIA Camp님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,214회    댓글: 0

4010 Jeong Hyeon Woo (Albert)

 At. 12/21 . my parents told me that I have to go camp one more. I was very angry. So I did everything. but still I have to go. I gave up and compromised with my mom that I will get a lots of money when I go back.

 1/7 . the day I went to airport. two teachers talked with me. The teachers were very kind. but I didn’t expect it because I had bad experience when I was 14. I took an airplane. and I arrived at Philippines. get down on ground. I couldn’t breath well because the air was very hot. I get on the car. and I arrived at the camp at 2 midnights and slept. After 2 days. the class started. At 6:50. we woke up and had a breakfast. my first class was swimming. I thought every one don’t have experience but everyone have experience. only me didn’t had an experience. So I thought ‘How could I do swimming?’ but after one week. I did well and it was very fun. After the swimming class. we had a vocabulary class. We memorize the words. and teacher will explain the meaning of the words. after that we still have lots of time left. so we just study. My last class in morning is reading class. I thought. I could use electronic dictionary. so I chose step B. But after 3 days. I couldn’t use dictionary. I regretted why I chose step B. But I think my swimming. vocabulary. and reading ability improved. After morning class. we had lunch and I still have 3 classes left in the afternoon. First is grammar class. the teacher is very fun but grammar is very boring so I was very sad. But I think my grammar ability improved. After this. I have 2 classes. Listening and discussing. the listening is fun. but discussing is boring. We did this during week days. we went to SM. SM was very fun.

Finally. during this CIA camp. I learned lots of things and my English skills improved. I am thankful to all my teachers who help me enhance my ability. specially my swimming teacher. This camp is good and I had so much fun.

영어캠프 후기

 12 21. 부모님께서 내가 한번더 캠프를 가야한다고 말씀하셨다. 나는 매우 화가나. 무슨짓이든 해보았지만 결국은 가야만했다. 마음을 놓고 엄마와의 타협을 통해 엄마는 내가 캠프를 갔다오면 나의 부탁을 들어주신다고하셨다.

 1 7. 공항에 있을때. 선생님과 대화를 했었다. 선생님들은 매우 착하셨지만. 14살때의 기억때문에 그다지 선생님들을 믿지는 못했다시간이 되어 비행기를 타고 필리핀에 도착했을때 매우 뜨거운 공기때문에 숨이 갑갑했다. 그곳에서 조금 앉아있다가. 차가왔는데 차를 타고 캠프에 도착했을땐 이미 2시였고 도착하자마자 잠을 잤다.      그곳에 도착한지 이틀 후부터 수업을 시작했다. 일정은 6 50분에 선생님들에 의해 기상한뒤. 아침체조를 하고 아침을 먹었다. 아침을 먹은뒤 나의 첫번째 수업인 수영수업. 모두가 수영 경험이 없을줄 알았지만 모두 경험이 있었고 나만 없어 어떻게하나란 생각이 들었지만. 일주일 정도 지나자 친구들과 비슷하거나 좀더 잘하게되었고 수영수업이 매우 재미있었다. 다음 수업은 보카 수업. 말그대로 단어를 외우는 수업이다. 하지만 선생님의 단어 설명이 끝나면 딱히 <span lang="KO" style="font-family:


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