4023 이유상 Andrew
(English) Post Script
Scientifically. majority people can’t erase the bitter and best memories. CIA camp gave me the memories that l could never forget. It means. my camp was the greatest
A lot of things are changed by this camp and also l have an effect on my English skills. Best of all. this camp stimulates me to study English more harder. Because I realized how difficult English subject was. Therefore. l pledge my word to do my best in English.
Have you ever heard about this proverb? ‘He who would climb the ladder. must begin at the bottom so begin is the most important in everything
Do you know why I tell this proverb? Because l think this proverb is absolutely sure. I think my beginning was successful it thus appear that I think CIA camp is the one of most important experience in my life.
Honestly. I dissatisfy with this camp first but l found something that l grew more and more. my English skills get better. Sometimes I am punished by teacher but l think my past pain is one of my pleasure in this camp.
Because l think l had it coming and punishment is light.
I want to say CIA’s activity is good! Sometimes we were swimming sometimes we were riding jet ski and sometimes we were dazzled by beautiful scene. It is my first time that I was impressed with scene you may not know about this felt
Lastly I am regretting even now here is the reason why I am regretting now
Time flies like an arrow and time lost never returns. Therefore l am thinking myself like this ‘l can spent time better’…
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