Logger Script 18th CIA Junior Camp 6071 서준혁 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Junior Camp 6071 서준혁

작성자: CIA Camp님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,857회    댓글: 0

English Name:Han (6071)




             When I went to the here. It`s humid and like summer although it`s night. So. I`m puzzled. While I rode a bus

to arrive my lodging .I think many things such as "Can I make many friends here? Can I improve and learn lots of English

words really? Can I adapt here though there are many insects and even as if here`s weather is hotter than Korea summer?

I thought for a long time that my bus arrived my lodging already and in front of me are Philippines people who carried students

suitcase. they look happy. At that time. there unexpected lodging which is so big. So. I said." Ahh not bad". and students go

to lecture hall. I was setting on and they gave snacks and juice and all the people are in good condition. I listened the orientation

calmly and eat my snacks and drink my juice. After that I got room allotment. so I went to my  room and I washed simply before I

Choose my bed with a nice view then I slept. After that day. I had level test and I received my class card both man to man class

and group class. I had three days adoption of the place and after five days I received one of the CIA merit which is the Sparta

class. I used to hate man to man class because I dont know what will they speak on me on my class and know some of the English words and its meaning because I barely speak English. A few days later I started to like man to man class because I started to talk using English and even exchange some jokes. So man to man class is my favorite time and I`m impress. I want to come here again because I have learned and improved many English skills. I think CIA camp has many unforgettable memories. I`ve improved my skills satisfactorily. I hope my English

skills will improve more than now. Thank you for listening my long letter.




                          6071 서준혁





             내가 여기에 왔을 때.밤인데도 불구하고 습하고 여름같았다.그래서.

나는 황당하였다.나는 숙소로 가기 위해 버스를 타는 동안.나는 여기서 많은 친구들을 사귈수 있을 까?나는 여기서 정말 영어실력이 향상될 까?여기는 많은 곤충이 있고 심지어 날씨도 마치 한국 여름보다 더운것 같은데 적응할 수 있을까?라는 많은 생각들을 하였다.나는 오랫동안 생각을 했더니 이미 나의 벗는 숙소에 도착했었다.그리고 내 앞에 필리핀사람들이 있었는데 그들은 학생들의 여행가방을 나르고 있었다.그리고 행복해 보였다.그 때.예기치 못한 크고 좋은 숙소가 있었다.그래서.나는 나쁘지 않네라고 말하고 나를 비롯한 모든 학생들은 강당에 갔다.나는 테이블위에 과자와 음료수들에게 환영을 받았다.그리고 모든 사람들은 온화해졌다.나는 차분히 오리앤테이션을 들으며 과자와 주스를 먹었다.그리고 나는 방배정을 받았다.그래서 방에 간 뒤에 환경이 좋은 자리의 침대를 정했다.그 전에 나는 간단히


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