Logger Script 19th CIA Junior Camp S6010 신예진 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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19th CIA Junior Camp S6010 신예진

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,685회    댓글: 0

Postscript<?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


It was 15th of July 2012 around 2 a.m. when I arrived here in CIA camp. As I walked out of the airplane. I felt a kind of weather that is so different from Korea-it was so hot that I have to use my fan to make me cooler.

         When I reached the camp site (hotel). I felt a little bit scared because my family and friends are all in Korea but. I’m here alone. I also felt excited when I saw my schedule that has many activities and I really like to experience those things.

I came here because. I want to make my pronunciation better and learn more on vocabulary. In Korea. I have a test; the test result was always okay but except for those two subjects. So. I and my family think that if I will go to the Philippines. I can always listen with correct pronunciation of words and also learned those. After that talking. my parents decided for me to go to the Philippines.

My mother told me about studying English in CIA because. their teachers are good and you always have to speak English. And that is a very good experience to learn English.

When I arrived at the airport. I’ve seen other CIA students. That time. I felt different because there are new faces. personalities and others. So. I thought I will learn many things from them.

My first CIA friend is Jinny. I met her at the airport. She is talkative at English. I become friends with Jinny because I have these friendly feelings. When we first met each other. we asked each other’s name. school. and the place where we live. That’s how I make friends.

Jinny and I usually go to store or play. She sometimes read comic books and draws pictures of comic’s characters and I watch. In CIA I had great experiences. I did zip-line. visited Crocolandia. Forth San Pedro. Magellan’s Cross and shopped at SM Mall. My best experience is shopping at SM mall. In Korea. we don’t have any big mall like SM mall. And at SM mall. there are many different things that I can’t find in Korea. So. I can enjoy buying new things that I need.

My feeling about CIA camp is just fine. I like their teachers because they are friendly and always funny. I learned a lot from them.


I really miss my family and I want to talk with them most often but the only time to call them is during Sundays and that will only take for 5 minutes. I like the way about studying English. I like most the diary checking. I compare my first diary with yesterday’s diaries. Yesterday’s diary is better than the first one. That’s the meaning that I understand. I have to write my diaries better. I’m very satisfied about that.





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