Hi I am Harry. I arrived in the Philippines on July 21. Sunday. It was 1 o’clock in the morning. I felt good. I expected to play a lot. Also. I expected that there are many activities. teachers who are kind and good. swimming in sports and my friends who will be with me. I felt very excited on my first day in CIA because I wanted to play.
I enjoyed CIA because we can play some sports. My first friend is Seyun. He is very kind and good to me. I play sports with him. I also talk a lot to him. He is really friendly. My memorable experiences are Plantation Bay. fishing. home visit and also shopping in SM.
I learned about reading. listening. grammar and all kinds of English. Yes. it is very fun like shopping. Plantation Bay. fishing. -- I like these activities. And my favorite activity was fishing because I experienced to catch fish together with my friends.
I have many classes. I have reading and writing subject with teacher Alex. Then my vocabulary teacher is Monica. My third class is sports with teacher Glenn. Next will be native class with teacher Gregory but was changed to teacher Rob. Then grammar is with teacher Fe. And lastly. my sixth class is listening and speaking with teacher Maye. My favorite subject is sports. I like it because it is exciting and active.
I like Plantation Bay and SM. I experienced a lot of things like wall climbing. archery. diving kayak and also swimming. The food was fantastic. I also experienced visiting Casa Miani. It is an orphanage that has many orphan children. I had a great time during the visit. With the home visit we had. I met the teacher’s family. I like Filipino teachers especially Maye and Alex. The foods served are very delicious. The pool was very nice too.
I want to come back again in CIA English Camp as Family Junior because in this. Icannot miss my family again. I will really come back to CIAEnglish Camp. It is fantastic!!!