Logger Script 21st CIA Junior English Camp 6028 - 전다연 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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21st CIA Junior English Camp 6028 - 전다연

작성자: 6027 홍주희님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,334회    댓글: 0

6028 Isabel                                                                                                                August 19. 2013


My CIA Experience



             I came here in Philippines on July 13th. 2013 at 10:00 in the evening. During my first day in the camp I was very excited and I felt hungry and tired. And I also wanted to sleep because I was very tired. I don’t like English camp but my father said that I should join CIA English Camp. because it is very fun. I want to play here so I will have fun. Speech is very difficult but it is also fun. The programs and activities in the camp are fun and the foods are delicious. When I was still in the airport. I met my first friend. her name is Wendy. she is 9 years old and I’m 11 years old. And we are friends. she is very cute. My memorable experience in CIA camp is when we went to Plantation Bay. It is very fun. The foods in Plantation Bay are very delicious. I really like the foods. After eating. we went swimming in the sea and in the swimming pool. I also rode the kayak. but I’m not so good in kayaking. And also. SM mall is also my most memorable experience. There are many things there. I like SM mall and there are many delicious foods. There are many things I learned in CIA English Camp. English is very hard. but it is also fun and I like it. I want to join the camp again to have many coupons and also English camp is very fun. I really like the camp.





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