Logger Script 21st CIA Junior English Camp 6045 - 정다은 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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21st CIA Junior English Camp 6045 - 정다은 [4]

작성자: 6044 김가현님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 7,762회    댓글: 4

6045 Kate

                                                                                        MY CIA EXPERIENCE



                                    When I arrived at 3 am. I was very sleepy. The date was July 14. On our first day in CIA camp. I felt sleepy but very new and good. I joined camp because I want to learn English. My first friend was Kelly. I like all students and I have memorable experiences in CIA camp. These are when I first met my teachers. And we went to SM mall for shopping. I think I learned speaking and writing because I always speak and write using English language. And I will join again this camp because this camp has many good teachers and students. I will join again this camp. Next year. I will come again and learn a lot of English skills. I will go with many of my friends. When I finish this camp. I will study hard in an English Academy. I like this camp very much. I like this camp teachers and students. I will miss this camp. I want to go to special camp too. I want to study with another students but I don’t want to change teachers.


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