Logger Script 23rd CIA Sparta English Camp 6027 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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23rd CIA Sparta English Camp 6027

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,334회    댓글: 0

English Name: Dustin

ID #: 6027

Post Script

                 I arrived in the Philippines on July 13. 2014. 2 AM. and then I arrived at Tubod at 3AM I left Korea on July 12. 2014. I rode on the bus at 2:15AM and I was so tired and I’m very disappointed because it’s my first time to go to other country I’m also scared because I left my parents. I’m very worried about how to live for six weeks for me is very long to live away from my parents. My first friend in this camp was Harry. Because Harry and I both watch baseball and we became roommate. I met him at the airport. I talk to him while waiting the airplane. Now we were not roommate I met a lot of friends. They were also kind to me.

                 I came here because of my mom I didn’t want to come at first because I can’t play baseball here. I didn’t know the reason before that I am here but now I know the reason why I’m here and I learned many things in this camp.

                 There were many memorable experiences in this camp. These are SM shopping. home visit and other activities but the most memorable experience for me is the first day. I couldn’t think I could be patient during six weeks but I made it. Today I only have six days left here in the camp upon staying here. I learned English very well here. Moreover. in this camp I learned not only English but also the nice emotion how to speech. tradition of Philippines and many more. For this camp. I want to come back here. I want to learn English more. I can do more things in this camp. I want to join next camp. But one thing is for sure I will miss Tubod and I will miss my teachers. If I can’t come back here. I will buy many mangoes.



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