Logger Script 30th CIA English camp - 2-4012 HEE CHAN > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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30th CIA English camp - 2-4012 HEE CHAN [1]

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2018-03-19 11:55:29    조회: 1,528회    댓글: 1


I arrived here in the Philippines last January 7, 2018 at 9 am. I felt exited here in the Philippines because it is my first time here together with my twin Lucas. However when day 1 has started because I felt worried, I think I can’t survive here in CIA. I don’t have enough time to rest here. I woke up early and sleep late at night. I join CIA because I want to learn English so that I can communicate to other people around the world and also to enhance my speech. I forgot my first friend in CIA camp because it was a long time ago but I have my twin so he’s the only friend that I know at the first day of the school, after many days I’ve meet a lot of friends especially my villa mate. The memorable experience that I have here in CIA is that every class because I learned new things from my teacher and I consider that as a most memorable day in CIA. I don’t want to study again because I think I had enough learning and experiences here in CIA. Thank you!



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