Logger Script 캠프후기 [4023 이다연] > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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캠프후기 [4023 이다연]

작성자: 영어캠프팀님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,653회    댓글: 0

앞으로 절대잊을수없는  경혐<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />



나는처음 이캠프에왔을때CIA가좋은캠프라고 느꼈다.

처음에는차근차근시작했는데이제시작이다.그리고필리핀에 처음왔을때에는싸이러스선생님이무서웠는데네가바르게행동을하니까더욱반대로친절하셨다.그리고나는필리핀이더운줄만알았더니긴팔을입었어야겠다.그리고네가인사를하고다니니까네이름을불렀다처음에는부끄러웠지만점점스타가되어가는기분이였다.나의1번째룸메이트는김소현.허시은.김현정.백가림.정윤서이였다.점점  생활하면서정이들었는데해어져야겟었다.나의두번째룸메이트는백...정...안해원.이지연.백이현이다나의1:1수업선생님은6명이다......................................................................

This is my first time here in CIA Camp. At first. I find it hard to study English but now. I can say that I am doing good. I discovered that Philippines is very hot. So. i need to wear long t-shirt for my body. Also. my first impression with Sir Cyrus is scary but  I realized that he is a kind person. During our first meeting. I said hi to him and he called me by my nickname. My first roommate is Kim Sohyun. Lastly. my men to men teachers are six.


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