Logger Script 캠프후기 [4022 이종현] > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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캠프후기 [4022 이종현]

작성자: 영어캠프팀님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,801회    댓글: 0

<캠프  후기><?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

나는 처음으로 동생과 해외에 나갔다. 그래서 걱정도 많이 되었고 부모님도 걱정하면 긴장도 됬다. 그리고 너무 오랫 만에 비행기를 타서 머리가 아팟고 무서웠다. 간이 떨어질  듯이 뒤에 아이들이  의자를 당기지 못해서 지겨웠다. 도착을 하고 다음날 시험을 봤다. 조금 어려 웠다. 하지만 공부책은 쉬웠다. 다음날 맨투맨과 그룹수업을 했다. 어려울 같았지만 쉽고 재미있었따. 그리고 친구와는 신나고 재미있는 이야기를 하며 친해졌다. 그리고 처음으로 sm 이렇게 건물일준 몰랐다. 그리고 돌아다니다가 찾았다. 그리곤 샀다. 밥도 맛있고 정말 쌌다.그리고 카트존도 갔다. 정말  경주용전용인 차를 타듯이 신나게 달리면서 1등을 했다. 정말 재미있었다. 너무나 신이나서 엄마도 생각나지 않았다. 우리동생은 아쉽게도 2등을 했다. 정말 재미있었다.



I and my sister Sera were excited to go to the Philippines. This is our first time here. So we are very anxious and strain. It was a long flight so my head was very sick and it was like riding a rollercoaster that I wasn’t able to sleep. The next day we had a level test. It was not easy. The next day I had swimming. man-to-man. and group class and it was hard. My friend and I tell stories about personal life. We go to SM mall.  It was a big mall. I was surprised. Many people were there so we bought only enough. I only bought a tiger stuffed toy and I ate chicken for lunch. It was very yummy. We only have small money. And we also went to kartzone. The rode a cart and it had a very good speed. This is my first time and I’m very happy. I no longer think of my mom because of my happiness. My sister is very happy too. And we went to a beach and we had a banana boat ride and Jet Ski.  I felt very good and happy . I caught a crab and went to my room. CIA camp is very good. Thank you for listening.


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