Logger Script 캠프후기 [4021 이태희] > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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캠프후기 [4021 이태희]

작성자: 영어캠프팀님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,846회    댓글: 0

4021 이태희-연수후기<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


(그룹수업의 장점)

-토론식으로 공부해서 부담스럽지가 않다

-레벨에 맞게 공부할 수 있어서 좋다 (거의 동급생)

-선생님들이 친절하시고 친구들도 재미있고 착하다.

(맨투맨수업의 장점)

-발음교정을 해주셔서 좋다.

-리스닝. 스피킹과 스펠링 실력이 많이늘수 있도록 도와주신다.

-긴장감이 돌아서 좀더 잘 할려고 노력을 많이 하게된다.

-이제는 외국인과도 쉽게 친해질 수 있다.

(친구들과의 관계)

-친구들이 잘해주고 많이 도와주다.

-재참가 친구들이 우리들이 잘 할수있도록 알려준다.


-재미있으시고 착하시다.

-자상하시고 친절하게 잘 도와주신다.

-간호사 선생님들이 계셔서 건강한 캠프생활을 할수있다.



(group class to good point)

-Group class's discussion doesn't give me any burden.

-It is good to study with students having some level with me. So. group is very fun.

-Our group class teacher and other teachers are very friendly. And my groupmates are also nice because we always have fun.

(man to man class to good point)

- My man to man teacher teaches me the right way on how to pronounce the words correctly.

-My listening ability improves also my speaking ability. spelling ability. and my reading ability improves more.

-When I get tensioned I always have an effort to study.

-I have a method on how to make friends with other people going here in CIA.I also like to make friends with people living in other countries such as Philippine country and other countries.


-I have many friends here in CIA camp. I find them very nice because they help me when I have a problem.

-I have a friend. this is her 2nd time to join this camp. So she told me what the right things to do in CIA English camp.

(Relationship between me and my teacher)

-The teachers are cery friendly and fun to be with.

-The teachers can understand what I feel and what my heart wants to say.

-The nurses in CIA English camp always tell me to eat nutritious food so that I will stay healthy.

(Another good point in CIA English camp)

-I love Korean foods. and the cook always cook Korean food.

-I like saturdays. because on saturdays we went many places here in cebu. Philippines.

-I also like Korean nurse. because they always check our temperature whewher we are sick or not.

-I also loves to go homestay in my teacher's house. Because I think it is very interesting.

(Another good point in CIA English camp)

I thought only English subject in CIA English camp but I have a math class. It's good.


I will miss this camp and I still want to come back here in Philippines to join CIA English camp.

Because Inspite of learning I also earn many friends and having fun stduying.


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