Logger Script 캠프후기 [4005 이재은] > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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캠프후기 [4005 이재은]

작성자: 영어캠프팀님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,438회    댓글: 0

4005이재은(캠프기간동안 느낀점 쓰기)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

캠프기간 동안 처음에는 너무 힘들었지만 조금 지나니깐 재미가있다.

하루에않좋은일도 하루가 지나면 잊어버린다.

않좋은점은 아침에 체조를하는것이다.


(다양한 액티비티)

처음에는 조금두든거렸다

처음에 액티비티는 카존 이었다

타보니깐 재미가있어서한번더타고싶다.


다음 댁티비티는 재트스키하고바나나보트다.


(친구들과의 만남)

같은그룹이었을때도있고 밥을 먹을때 줄은서다가.

(맨토맨 수업)

맨토맨 수업은 재미가있다


그룹수업은 맨토맨보다더재미가 있다.

왜냐하면 이야기를 하기때문이다.


End of the camp

End of the camp is very hard to forget

the moment I joined CIA English camp

I know if was fun today I had bad

accident but I Just want to forget

I like to back to korea sothat

I can get up late getting up

late is good. I like many achutye

specially on saturdays we many visit many place

cebu on Saturdays we go to sm and cart zone

cart zone is in second week

banana boat is fun

I meet my frends in the air plane from korea to

That meet in the air plane become my

My room mate is older than me

They are very kind and very friendly

My matoman teachers is kind and mantoman class is fun

Because we play game and teacherstell stories

Group class is same with time its and dung groupclass

I like telling stories.

CIA camp it.s very goodpoint

I like CIA camp next vacation

Good bye-END-


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