Logger Script 15회 영어캠프 [6220 임다미] > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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  • 알면 알수록 믿음이 커지는 (주)CIA열린교육 영어교육사업부입니다.


15회 영어캠프 [6220 임다미]

작성자: Teacher_Dream님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,363회    댓글: 0

My Experience in CIA Camp<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />




                             My first day here in CIA camp. I was very tired because I came here rode an airplane. And I wanted to go home but now I don't want to go home. My first week of class in CIA was easy for me but I didn't know anything. And I met new friends. Their names are Grace. Nikita and Peter. I wanted to go back to that group because now in my group. we are only two members. So. I felt bored. But sometimes we played games and gave snacks whoever won the game. And I think in CIA. the teachers were kind. I had activities every Saturday. First Saturday we went to SM. And I bought little snacks. So. in next week I wanted to go to SM again. After we finished shopping we went to sea sports. I rode banana boat and Jet Ski. Banana boat was very boring because it was very slow. But Jet Ski was very fast so it was fun.

                             And we also had activities everyday. We wrote diary everyday. But I don't like to write diary because dairy writing is very hard. Monday. Wednesday and Friday we wrote dairy. And we can eat snacks. Because the teacher gave me snacks. But on Tuesday and Thursday we had activities. During my first week and second week we watched movie. But in third week until now we had different activities. The boys went first in home stay. So. the girls did an activity. We danced Philippine Tinikling folk dance. It was easy for me. But I didn't want to dance. My latest activity was home stay school visit. I went home stay to Teacher Jeissa's house. The house was so big so we were 10 students. It was very fun and teacher Jeissa's sister have daughter. She was very small and cute.

                             I had a school visit. Before. I went to school. We have to memorize the self introduction. And I had to introduce myself in front of Filipino children. After I had finished introducing myself we ate snacks together. It was fun. But the school was very hot.

                              I really had fun during my CIA camp. And I want to join CIA camp again.





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