Logger Script 15회 영어캠프 [6215 최지원] > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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  • 알면 알수록 믿음이 커지는 (주)CIA열린교육 영어교육사업부입니다.


15회 영어캠프 [6215 최지원]

작성자: Teacher_Dream님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,381회    댓글: 0

MY EXPERIENCES in CIA CAMP<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


              Studying English is very important among people in all countries. Nowadays. English has been so important among Korean people. Many people go to America. Philippines. and Australia to study English. Since this month is summer vacation in Korea. my parents sent me here in Philippines to join CIA English camp.


              First I arrived here last July 18th. And next day. I cried because I missed my mom. I met many friends here. My friends' names were Mike and David. Mike was very kind. David was kind but he was shorter than Mike and me. Mike and David were very kind. So the CIA camp schedule were man-to-man class. group class. and sports class. The man-to-man class. group class and sport class were very funny but the sport is funnier than man-to-man class and group class because in sport class we played while swimming. I like swimming so I like sport class. And we had a city tour. We went to SM. Kart Zone. Fort San Pedro. and Magellan's Cross. We rode a banana boat. jetski and we also had a homestay. In SM. I bought transformer toys. foods and rubix cube. In Kart Zone. I rode a car but I cant ride a car well. So I rode with middle school students. In city tour. I went to Magellan's Cross. and Fort San Pedro. but in city tour it was very hot but we always took a picture. And the city tour was fun. In Mactan. I rode a banana boat and jetski. The banana boat was fun and fast. But the jetski was different because it was fater and much scary than the banana boat. During homestay. I went to teacher Christine's house. Her house was small but fun. I ate chicken and it was very delicious. Homestay activity was very fun and exciting.


              I want to come back here next camp because it is fun and the activities are good and interesting. The Filipino teachers are very kind.



                              나의 CIA  CAMP

영어 공부 하는 것은 모든나라 사람들에게 중요하다. 오늘날. 영어는 한국 사람들에게 중요하다.많은

사람들이 미국. 필리핀 그리고 호주로 영어공부를 하러 간다.이번달 한국은 여름방학이다. 나의

부모님은 CIA 영어 캠프를 즐기게 하려고 여기 필리핀에 보내기로 하셨다.




    첫번째로 나는 여기에 7 18일에 도착했었다. 다음날. 나는 울었었다 왜냐하면나는 나의 엄마가

보고 싶었기 때문이다. 나는 여기에서 많은 친구들을 만났다. 니의 친구들의 이름은 MIKE DAVID

였다. MIKE 정말 착했다. DAVID 착했지만 그는 MIKE 나보다 작았다. MIKE DAVID 정말

착했다. CIA CAMP 스캐줄은 맨투맨반.그룹 반과 체육반 이였다.맨투맨반.그룹반 그리고 체육반은

재미있었지만 체육반이 맨투맨반과 그룹반 보다 재미있었다 왜냐하면 체육하는 동안 수영을 하기

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