Logger Script 15회 영어캠프 [6206 박성수] > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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15회 영어캠프 [6206 박성수]

작성자: Teacher_Dream님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,810회    댓글: 0

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              I'm very happy here in CIA because I have made new friends and new best friends. My new friends are Max and June. They are also my roomates. I met Max two weeks ago beacuse Max help each other. I also met June a week ago because he is also Max's friend and then we also became good friends. Max. June and I do a lot of things together like playing basketball and badminton and we also eat together in meal time.


              My favorite teaches are teacher Simon. teacher Mark. and teacher Ritz because they are fun and they are kind to me.


              Every Saturday we go to a lot of places. Every Saturday we went to SM. SM is a big place and has lots of nice things. But I didn't buy many things. Last Saturday we went to the Kart Zone. I drove a kart and it was so fun and exciting! We also went to the beach and I rode a banana boat and it was a bit scary. I want to do it again. We also went out on a tour around Cebu. I saw a lot of place and it was amazing things .


              Next camp. I will not come back because this is my second time here. Its is fun meeting new people and meeting new friends but sometimes  its bad.


저는 CIA 있어서 즐거웠습니다.왜냐하면 여기에 와서 새로운 친구를 사귀고 베스트  프렌드도 생겼기 때문입니다 . 새로운 친구는 김도현(Max)과이희연입(June)니다.

도현이와 희연이는 저하고 같은 방을 씀니다.도현이는 2주전에 만난는데 도현이가

나를 도와 주어서 나도 도와주어서 친구가 됐습니다. 그리고 1주전에 희연이가 도현이

친구인 것을 알고 친하게 지냈습니다.도현이 희연이 그리고 내가 서로서로 같이놀고

과자나 밥도 같이 먹었습니다.


제가 재일 좋아하는 선생님들은 SIMOM .MARK. RITZ선생님들입니다. 왜냐하면

선생님들은 재밌으시기 때문입니다.


매주 토요일에 우리는 여러 곳으로 갑니다. 가는 곳은 SM입니다.SM에는 물건들이

아주 많습니다. 하지만<SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 11pt;


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.