Logger Script 15회 영어캠프 [6109 곽진영] > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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  • 알면 알수록 믿음이 커지는 (주)CIA열린교육 영어교육사업부입니다.


15회 영어캠프 [6109 곽진영]

작성자: Teacher_Dream님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,372회    댓글: 0

CIA Camp<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

It’s July 11th 2010 when we arrived here in the Philippines. English teachers welcomed me and my CIA friends. It was midnight so I had to sleep. My room number was 30. The bed was soft and cozy. That time I had a very sweet dream. Next day. it was learning English time! I met lots of English teachers and CIA friends. They are very kind. There are man to man class. group class. voca class and sports class. It’s really nice because teachers teach me kindly. Subjects are Reading. Writing. Listening. Speaking and Grammar. I love them all. Every weekend. we go to SM and other places like Kart Zone and Magellan’s Cross. It was really fun. In SM. I bought T-shirt. snack. pens and pencils. SM is really a big mall. Inside is really busy and noisy. After SM. we went to ride banana boat and Jet Ski. Banana boat was better than Jet Ski. It was really fun! I learned also Filipino dance. It was called Tinikling. It was a very nice dance. Last Tuesday. we had our homestay with teacher Leah. We ate meat. rice and bacon. After eating. we watched Twilight. It was a nice movie. Then. we played jack stone with my friends. Teacher Leah taught us how to play the game. I had a very nice experience here in CIA Camp.




CIA 캠프


2010 7 11일이었다. 나는 한국을 떠나 필리핀에 도착하였다. 나는 설레는 마음을 없애기 위해

새로 사귄 친구들과 이야기를 했지만 아직도 사라지지 않았다... 버스를 타고 숙소로 갔다.

그 곳에 큰 강당이 있었는데 선생님께서는 그 곳에서 CIA에 대해 설명을 자세히 해 주셨다. 그 떄의 시간은 새벽 3시 였기 때문에 선생님꼐서는 설명을 짧게 해 주시고 내가 잘 방을 가르쳐 주셨다.

내 방의 번호는 30. B동에 있는 건물이었다. 침대는 푹신푹신하여 자기가 참 좋았다. 나는 아주 좋은 꿈을 꾸울 수 있었다. 다음 날은 본격적으로 영어를 배우는 날이었다. 과목은 1:1 수업. 그룹 수업. 보카 수업 등


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