Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K4065 YOO SEUNGYEON > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K4065 YOO SEUNGYEON

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 12:01:50    조회: 1,496회    댓글: 0



 I arrived in the Philippines on January 7, 2019(Monday). Because in Korea I did my graduation last January 7. I came here together with my friend. And it was my first time here in Philippines. I feel very sad and angry. Because it was my first time here to come in Philippines. Also, Philippines is hot so it was difficult to live in Philippines. I join CIA English Camp, first, my mom said to me that I'll be enjoy here at CIA. So, I listen to my mom and take a test. I came here together with my friend. Also I want to learn something new here at CIA. My first friends in CIA camp was in Villa 3. They were kind and funny. I think they were friendly. So we can be friend easily. My memorable experiences in CIA Camp was going to SM mall. Because SM mall was very big place. And there are a lot of stores to see and buy things. I buy food to eat and things that I want. The things that I've learned in CIA English Camp is that I learned English more. Before in Korea I don't study well. But Here in Philippines I study hard. Also I like speaking English with people. Lastly my English speaking skills become more fluent. I don’t to want join CIA Camp again. Because it is too hard for me to study. And there is lot of opportunity to study English so, it was hard for me.



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