Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K4064 KIM SEUNG JU > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K4064 KIM SEUNG JU

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 11:59:36    조회: 1,450회    댓글: 0


I arrived here on January 7 at Mactan Cebu International Airport. I arrived here at night. When I arrived here, I was very excited. First day was coming fast. I was very excited. However, I was very scared because I must stay here without my family. That is the reason why I cry mostly. There is some reason why I did join here. 1st, I wanted to make or have more friends, 2nd I want to improve my English language, 3rd I wanted to visit here in the Philippines. Lastly, I want to have or experience new things here in a Philippines. I came here with my friend. So my first friend is Lindsay. And my second friend is Yoon Just. Because they were so kind. There are some memorable experiences in CIA Camp. First, I make more friends. Second, I rode zip line. Third, I cried because I missed my family. I learned English more in here. I learned how to read difficult English words. I learned how to write English dairy. And lastly I learned how to use English language. No, I don't want to join CIA again. Because I don't want to cry anymore. I cried here a lot. And I don't like the meal they serve. But I'm going to miss my teachers and friends here in CIA.





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