Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K4053 KWEON YUMI > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K4053 KWEON YUMI

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 11:32:16    조회: 1,362회    댓글: 0


My flight time was 9pm in Korea. I arrived here in the Philippines last January 06, 2019 at 12 midnight. The time I arrived in the Philippines, I felt so hot. The weather here is too hot compared to Korea. I was also very tired and sleepy because it was already late time. On my first day in CIA, I was so scared and nervous. I thought that I will not able to stay here for 4 weeks. I regret to come here. I just wanted to go back to Korea because I miss my family very much. I joined CIA English Camp here in the Philippines because my mom’s friend recommended it to me. I think it is so good to learn more in English. I also wanted to visit Philippines. So I joined CIA English Camp to study English and to experience the culture of the Philippines. My first friend in CIA Camp was Hyun Ji. Her english name is Jenna. I met her on my first day in the camp. We stayed at the same villa. Then she became my villa mate and roommate at the same time. We have the same age. I like her because she makes me laugh whenever I felt sad. My memorable experience in CIA Camp was during our activities last Saturday, O experienced Banana Boat riding and Jet Ski. It was really exciting and fun. Also, I really like the time we go shopping with my friends. I could buy many things that I wanted to buy. The things I’ve learned in CIA English Camp, first, I learned to speak English well. I had made conversations with my M2M teachers using English language. It was really fun and good communicating with them. Also, I learned the importance of the organization and family. If I don’t have friends, I wouldn’t enjoy my time here in CIA Camp. Next time, I want to join this camp together with my family. My life without my family is more difficult that I thought. But, still, this camp was very memorable and exciting for me. I learned many things here in the camp. Hopefully, I can join and come back to CIA English Camp again.





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