Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K4052 PARK JIN YOUNG > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K4052 PARK JIN YOUNG

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 11:30:44    조회: 1,406회    댓글: 0


I rode an airplane when I went here in the Philippines. It was a long and tiring travel yet it was fun. I arrived in the 6th of January and I travelled for almost 6 hours. I was very excited that time and at the same time very nervous. I met a Korean student in the airport and I was glad that he was a CIA student also. We became friends and the nervous I felt was all gone. I join CIA Camp is because I want to improve my English Skills. I want to travel to different places and I must need to know how to speak English. I also joined because I want to know different cultures of different countries. My first friend whose English name was Toby was my first friend here in CIA. We had the same airport that time that's why we knew each other even when the first day of school in CIA started. One of my memorable experience here in CIA was when I rode a jet ski. I was so happy that time because I like adventure. It was my first time also to rode it and I enjoy it a lot together with my friends. I learned how to communicate with foreign people frequently. I also learned to boost my confidence in talking with other people. I have learned some of the cultures of other people especially when I talked to them and share different ideas. If given a chance to join CIA English Camp again, I wouldn't join anymore because it is too tired. I need to wake up early in the morning and prepare for my classes. I really enjoy my experiences here in CIA and that I am thankful for the opportunity to be part of this family.



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