Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K4051 HAN SEUNGWON > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K4051 HAN SEUNGWON

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 11:29:19    조회: 1,402회    댓글: 0


I arrived in the Philippines the day of January 06,2019. That day, I was so tired because of the flight so I slept early in my villa. It’s my first time in CIA Camp, I feel so shy because I don’t have a friends. I feel middle sad because I'm far to my family and sisters. Second, I feel happy because I have many friends here in CIA. I will miss them if I will comeback in Korea. I'm here in the Philippines because my mom enrolled me here. She wants that I will learned more English Language. Though, I feel sad but I need to follow their decision. When I came here in CIA camp, I have many friends but my first friend is Lee YeJun. I won’t forget him because his so funny. were My most memorable experience in CIA camp when we have shopping mall. Its feel so excited every time we have a game, I can buy many foods and I enjoy every moment with my friends. I’m here in the Philippines to study, to learned more English language, to improved more my speaking skills. I want to join again. Because I can meet many friends here, I feel comfortable on this country and the Filipino teacher was good.



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