Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K4050 KIM CHANG HYUN > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K4050 KIM CHANG HYUN

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 11:27:16    조회: 1,363회    댓글: 0


I arrived in Philippines last January 7,2019. 2. My first day in CIA is good and fine. I am not afraid or scared because it is not my first time in CIA but a second time. I felt shy to my villa mates because I don’t know them. I join CIA because it is very funny and happy. There are many activities and learnings. There is shopping which is what I really love to do. I enjoy much in CIA and I learn as well. I don’t have friends in CIA because I am shy but I have many friends in CIA for the next few days. Almost all my villa mates are all my friends. My memorable experience in CIA are zip line riding and shopping. It is very funny and exciting. I enjoy the shopping and I buy many foods. I play together with my friends and villa mates. I call mom because I miss her. I learn many things in CIA. I learn more and speak English well. I know how to write English and do the speech and diary writing. I learn grammar. I have learned good things as well. I want to join CIA again because it is very funny and there is shopping activity. there are many activities and friends. It is very happy and enjoyable. We learn English. not only writing, reading but speaking as well.



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