Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K4039 KIM JUNHWI > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K4039 KIM JUNHWI

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-20 20:13:01    조회: 1,586회    댓글: 0


On the very first day in CIA I felt bored and hot. But the time goes by I feel excited, happy and enthusiastic because CIA prepared a lot of activities during Wednesday and every weekend and also there are many kind teachers. The reasons why I joined CIA English camp because I was enlightened and motivated by the activities and I want also to come in the Philippines.  I love foods and likes to eat very much. He influences me to eat snacks. The most memorable experiences those are very unforgettable to me when we had our activity at SM Cebu City for 3 times in a row to do shopping and also in the Plantation Bay. The thing that I learned in CIA English is that I able to improved my speaking, reading and grammar skill. During our class I always had fun. If I would give a chance, I will definitely join again the CIA English camp because I want to meet my teachers and experience the activities again.




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