Logger Script 32th CIA English camp : K4038 CHOI U SEOUNG > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp : K4038 CHOI U SEOUNG

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-20 20:11:15    조회: 1,657회    댓글: 0


I arrived in the Philippines on January 6 2019 It took 5hours to arrive her in the Philippines We book ticket so that we can go here in the Philippines. I feel nervous in the first day. I feel happy on the second day here in CIA Camp After two day I cried because I miss my younger brother and my mom. I join CIA camp because I want to learn english. I join CIA English camp because I want to enhance my skills in english I Join CIA camp because to improve my grammar skills. My first friend here in CIA is Brian my second friend here in CIA is Ted and my 3rd friend here in CIA camp is Tim. My memorable experience here in CIA English Camp is the shopping activity My memorable experience here in CIA Camp is the skating in the SM seaside and the last one is the swimming sports. The thing I learn here in CIA English Camp is to study hard I learn to respect I learn to study hard I learn to grammar. I want to join CIA camp again Because I want to learn English more and I want to enhance my English and my grammar and I want to know how to speak English fluently.




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