Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K4015 SONG IN SUNG > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K4015 SONG IN SUNG

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-20 18:26:00    조회: 1,626회    댓글: 0


On January 5, I was going to the Philippines with an airplane. When I arrived in Philippines. I was scared and worried when I arrive in the Villa. Because I don't have any idea here. My appetite is not good. So I am a little bit sick but now I am okay. So I'm well now. I'm very, very tired, I don't have energy. I got exhausted too much, that's why I'm not organize. My villa friends give a funny joke. So I'm happy living in my villa. I'm very thankful to my villa friends. When I called my family my mom and dad support me cause I’m here. I joined CIA because of my friend Kevin. Kevin called me and said "let's go to Philippines with CIA Educational let's see the CIA common. So my mom called the CIA Common. I agreed to go in Philippines. So I stayed here. My first friend is Kevin. It was Kevin’s 2nd time came here. Except to Kevin, my second friend is Joe Wook. My first friend in CIA is Toby we are good friends until now. Toby is a very good friend and he is kind. Kevin is good friend too. Everything is memorable for me, like my friends I treasure it. One of the memorable experiences is in the plantation Bay. Plantation Bay is good waterpark. Sm seaside is the biggest shopping mall. It is very huge mall. So I can remember. 6. In my villa, we played and talked. In the other villa and the teacher's. I'm so happy to experience the jet ski and banana boat. Jet ski and banana are very nice experience and very exciting. It was great time for me. I don't know because I have to adjust in the first whole week. My first week is very laborious. I don't want to experience this again because it was so tiring. I will first think about joining the CIA camp again. 0f995c1c94ff05032cdaf125c74dcf4e_1550654109_5901.jpg 



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