Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K4014 JO JIN HYUNG > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K4014 JO JIN HYUNG

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-20 18:04:57    조회: 1,494회    댓글: 0


I arrived in the Philippines first week of January 2019. When I arrived here the weather is very hot. When I saw CIA Philippines I was happy. This is my second time to join the CIA English Camp. And I'm looking forward for the things that we will do during my stay here. On my first day in CIA I felt tired because it was very hot. I also felt thirsty, hungry and tired again because the trip going to Philippines is very long. When I arrived here I wanted to go back to Korea because I want to feel the comfort of my home. I put on my mind that I need to be happy and enjoy my stay here. That is what I feel during my first day in CIA. This is my second time joining in CIA English Camp. I did join CIA English Camp because of my mom. My mom told me to go back to Philippines and study English. Even if I'm tired I still follow her. My mom is the reason why I join in CIA English Camp. When I came here in CIA Camp I already had a friend. My best friend in Korea Daniel, joined in CIA camp so I'm very lucky because he is also here. We were from the same school in Korea so I've known him for a long time. We were also staying in the same apartment in Korea. Daniel, my best friend was my first friend here in CIA Camp. We did a lot of activities here in CIA. My memorable experience here in CIA is playing at the swimming pool. I do love swimming every time we had an activity in the pool I really enjoyed it. For me playing and swimming is very fun. I can't forget this experience in CIA. During my stay in CIA English Camp I've learn many things. I learned more about English Language, new learnings were added on my knowledge. I enjoyed learning and studying English here in CIA. For me, studying English is very important and learning it is a lot of fun. On my four weeks stay in CIA my knowledge on English language had improved. I don't want to join in CIA English Camp again because it is very tiring. We spend a lot of time studying here. On my vacation I want to relax and stay at home. I did learn and enjoy during my stay herein CIA but coming in the Philippines for the second time is already enough. On my next vacation I want to stay only in Korea.



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