Logger Script 31th CIA English camp -K4106 PARK SEO EUN > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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31th CIA English camp -K4106 PARK SEO EUN

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2018-09-11 14:20:35    조회: 1,350회    댓글: 0



I arrived in the Philippines on July 22. I felt really scared but also excited that time. I joined CIA English Camp because I want to improve my English speaking skills. My first friend in CIA is Charlotte, we hang out and talked many things. One of my memorable experienced are the activities we had in the Camp. There are some activities that I really enjoyed. I want to join CIA ENGLISH CAMP again because it helped me a lot to develop my speaking skills, also, I want to experience all the activities again.



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