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30th CIA English camp - 2-5002 HWAJIN

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2018-04-02 13:08:01    조회: 1,576회    댓글: 0



I arrived here in the Philippines last January 7 2018 at night. On my first day here in CIA, I felt homesick because it’s my first time to be apart with my family. I’m conscious and worried at the same time because I know in myself that I’m not so good at English. But then when I saw the environment and the people around me I was so amazed. My parents sent me to CIA English Camp to learn English Language. It’s not just my parents’ will, yet I’m also interested to learn English Language so I can communicate with other people wherever I go. Because English Language is used as our universal Language, so I have to learn more English. As days passed by I already adopted to the adopted to the environment here in CIA. I’m not so lonely in my first day in CIA because I’m with my friend JI WOO. She’s my schoolmate in Korea. My other friend is BERYL.   My friends always comfort me whenever I missed my parents, they always find ways on how to make me smile. I will treasure the moments when I am with my friends. We have a lot of experiences here in CIA. We went shopping, eating delicious food at Mall’s, fishing and in Doctor Fish. It was my first time to experienced doctor fish foot spa. And it was very nice. I also have fun when I was at J-Mall and Water Park. I learned a lot here in CIA English Camp. Aside from learning English I also learned to manage my time and get up early in the morning. I like CIA English Camp because Teachers are kind and are really good. I enjoyed much the various activities here in CIA English Camp. If I’m given an opportunity to come back again, I will encourage my other friends to join CIA English Camp too. THANK YOU………



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