Logger Script 30th CIA English camp - 2-4002 Seung Hyeon > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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30th CIA English camp - 2-4002 Seung Hyeon

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2018-03-15 16:08:37    조회: 1,594회    댓글: 0




              I arrived here in CIA English Camp Philippines last January 08, 2018 at almost 12:00 am. This is my second time here in CIA English Camp so I didn’t feel homesick but I am excited in meeting new friends and learn more in English. I joined CIA English Camp again because my mom enrolled me here. My mom wants me to learn more English. I have met new friends during that time they are Nahyun, Charlotte, Sally, and Lina. They are my roommates. My memorable experiences here in CIA Camp with my friends are; Plantation Bay, in Plantation Bay we swim and play. Adventure and challenge, those are what we felt during our Zip Line and crossing The Hanging Bridge. However, Mission shopping is what we liked the most. It was fun and exciting.

                I learned many things here in CIA English Camp. First: obeying their rules. Second: following of directions properly. Third: Savings, saving of money is not easy, you have to buy the things that you need. Fourth: Cooperative Spirit, cooperating in every activity was not easy. And Lastly: Learning English, it was good and fun. I want to join CIA English Camp again because learning English is fun especially here in CIA English Camp. Thank you!



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