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29th CIA English camp - 4107 Amy

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,762회    댓글: 0

My CIA Camp Experiences

               I arrived here in the Philippines last July 24. 2017. It was Monday. At first. I felt very excited because I think this camp is fun and I will have a great time. I felt very tired because I traveled for 4 hours just to be here in CIA. I joined CIA English Camp because of my mom. She wanted to enhance my English skills. I have two best friends here in CIA. Sue Ji and Gracy are my best friends because they’re my roommates. They are fun and kind. I always had a great time with them. I also had a lot of memorable experiences here. Those are SM shopping. where I can buy the things that I want. zip line. plantation bay. Jet Ski and banana boat where we had a great time with my friends. It was really fun and I enjoyed it very much. I will never forget it in my whole life. I’ve learned a lot of things here in CIA. I learned English skill and it enhances my English skills. I also learned how to easily solve problems. Having a lot of friends and mingle with other nationalities like Chinese and Japanese students. I also learned how to dance and sing English songs like “A Smile in Your Heart” and “Glowing Inside. For me maybe yes or no because studying English is very hard and I like every activities we had here in CIA.



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