Logger Script 29th CIA English camp - 4103 Joy > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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29th CIA English camp - 4103 Joy

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,811회    댓글: 0


I arrived here in the Philippines last July 23. 2017. On my first day here in CIA. I felt homesick because I’m not used to be apart with my family. But then. I was amazed to the environment and to the people around me. My parents sent me to CIA English Camp to learn English Language. They wanted me to learn how to speak English so that I can communicate with foreign people. As days passed by. I already adopted to the environment here in CIA. I have friends namely Green. Bona and my older sister Sue Ji. My friends are always there for me when I am sad. When I missed my family. they are at my side to comfort me. I treasured my friends so much. We have memorable moments together. We have a lot of experiences here in CIA. During activities. I have so much fun. We went shopping. eating chicken and rice at McDonalds. zip lining and crossing the hanging bridge. It was my first time to cross on a very scary bridge and zip lining. I felt so nervous. I also have fun when I was at J-mall and Water Park. I learned a lot here in CIA English Camp. Aside from learning how to speak English. I also learn how to manage my time. Time management is very important. I really like CIA English Camp. Teachers are very kind and activities are really good. I am looking forward to be here next camp. Thank you!



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