Logger Script 16회 주니어 영어캠프 [8002 최지원] > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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16회 주니어 영어캠프 [8002 최지원]

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,371회    댓글: 0

When I was about to go to the Philippines. I was a little bit nervous and excited. When I arrived in the Philippines. I was very happy and scared because I have no friends. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

 On my first day in CIA camp. I didn't know what to do. I met my roomates Cherry. Elisa and Amy. They're my first friends here in the camp. They are very kind.

 At first it was hard for me because I don't know how to speak english well but teachers are very kind. They make things easwy for me. Korean staffs are very friendly but some are scary ut they are kind too. We have level test every friday and it was hard for me. So. the first time I took the level test. I was in E5. the second time. i leveled down and the third time. I leveled up again. So I think I am improving.

 Every Saturday. we have different activiries. One of my favorite activity was the banana boat and Jet ski because it was very fun and exciting. I also like SM because it is very big and I like to buy many things.

 On Sundays. I call my parents in Korea. I miss them so much. We also play games and watch movies during Sundays.

 In this camp. I learned about english and I also have many friends. This camp was fun and I will not forget my CIA camp family.


나는 필리핀에 갔다.나는 조금 두려웠다 하지만 기분이 들떠있었다 필리핀에 도착했을 기분이 좋았다 그리고 두려웠다. 왜냐하면 친구들이 없이 혼자이기 때문이다. 내가 cia 캠프에 왔을 아무것도 몰했다 나의 메이트 수연.<SPAN style="COLOR: black; mso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt; mso-hansi-font-family: '맑은 고딕'; mso-hansi-theme-font: major-latin; mso-bidi-fon


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