Logger Script 18th CIA Special English Camp - S8037 이예준 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Special English Camp - S8037 이예준

작성자: T-jun님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,767회    댓글: 0




           I went here because my mom said. “ You should go to the best academy.” So I joined CIA English Camp and in here I met different people who study English too. I learned many words in voca class and I gain confidence but this is my first time to study another country. So first day I think here is very hard but now I think here is okay.  I arrived in the Philippines last December 11. Sunday and I was scared and nervous because it was my first time being away from my parents. In CIA. I learned how to speak English very well. During my first day. we did level test and self-introduction. Level test was quiet bad because I was tired. thus. I belong to E group. Some students belong to other group like A group. the best group; Group B.C.D.E and F are just good. I study very well in this camp. We live in Villa before with my friends. My first friend is Stephanie.


           In CIA Camp. there were many activities like water sports. edge coaster. city tour. crocodile farm. SM. and many more activities. Every activity was fun and exciting. In our study time. we had a busy schedule. I need to talk to many people. Some classes were fun and happy and some classes were boring and bad. Everyday. we have self-introduction. that’s very hard. When I go back to Korea. we will have a contest in speaking English and who ever will win can get a prize.


           My best CIA experience was water sports because it was really fun and exciting and I want to do it again. Shopping also is good because I can buy many things and snacks. But in CIA. we had special class if we failed in voca test and if I did something bad in my class. Now. I can show to everyone that I am now good in English and I am confident in communicating to people.


           CIA English Camp was really fun even if sometimes I was tired. I learned a lot of things. This is my best camp ever but sad to say I will not join this camp again because it is so hard to study in Sparta. Thank you CIA for teaching me the best.


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