Logger Script 18th CIA Special English Camp - S8036 전현준 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Special English Camp - S8036 전현준

작성자: T-jun님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,796회    댓글: 0


Hello my name is Edward. I’ll introduce about the CIA CAMP. I don’t know CIA CAMP before but when my mother says go to English Camp tomorrow so I’m very happy to come to CIA English Camp. In here there is special place where I can study. staff teachers look like scary. so my first day in the camp. I can’t adapt well. But in 1 week later I made friends and funny arise the teachers. And. I study hard so I can improve my English skills more than before.
And one more thing when I stay in Korea I don’t have self-confident to express what’s on my mind but I think I’ve improve a lot. And when I see my hotel room. It’s not familiar to me. But when the days passes by room 306 looks a home for me. At first I can’t sleep well but now it looked like my room in Korea. When I met Jerry and Evan in the airport. I first noticed Jerry because he was always playing game and then Evan he is a quiet 
boy. They are my first friends here in CIA..
And in CIA CAMP we had lots of activities like jet ski. In our first time we did Philippine Game. It’s really fun and exciting. Our team won 50 pesos. And after. we did MISSION then SHOPPING in SM. SM MALL is very big and wonderful place to shop. But during our first time in SM. we are having a hard time going to the place we want to go. And we can’t find the restroom and the department store. But now we went to SM many times we can find the department store very well. Next activity is sea sports and also we went to PLANTATION BAY to go swimming and rode a boat. The water is cool to play water fight. And the boat is very fun. It’s great to ride a boat. Third is we had zip line. It’s looks scary at first but its not scary. Its fast so
We can feel the wind very well.
                       And it make me forgot the hot weather. We ride short trap but I don’t think it’s short. It’s long to ride. And there are many activities but I can’t write all. When I arrive at     Korea I will miss CIA winter camp. My mother say I can go CIA camp on more. I want to come again. Because CIA camp is very fun.


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