Logger Script 18th CIA Special English Camp - S8035 최윤영 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Special English Camp - S8035 최윤영

작성자: T-jun님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,562회    댓글: 0




           Before I came here in Philippines if I met other country’s people I just hide or run because I thought I can’t speak English well. but when I arrived in Philippines and during my class time I talked and talked. After that time. if Filipino teachers asked me I was not shy and I didn’t hide or run and just answered the question. So. I think I changed. Today. I think I can speak English well and I have confidence to speak English. First time. I don’t like CIA-English Camp because of many schedules we have and I need to wake up early. So. I think it’s to tiring so I don’t like CIA-Camp. But. today I learned many things in CIA-Camp and I have a confidence so I like CIA Camp now. Every Saturday. we always have an activity. The best activity was plantation bay because I like to play in the water. So. I went to plantation bay and I played with many students and slided many times. Also. I rode kayak in the plantation bay and also played game in the game zone. That day was very interesting. During my study in CIA. I met many CIA Korean staff. The Korean staffs are very kind but little scary specially staff named John. He is very scary. So. I am careful to staff John when he is angry. I like CIA camp becausein CIA camp I learned many things but it’s little scary. So. I speak carefully. Jay is my first friend in CIA. Jay is very kind so. I can make friend easily. Now jay is my real friend. I think Jay has same hobby and habbit with me. So. Jay is my real friend. I study English because I want to learn and I want to be smart person. So. I study hard. My mother think English because many people use the language and I believe that. So. If I want to be a smart person. I should study English. So I study English well. English language is very important in my life because I want to go to good University and I want to be a teacher so. I think if I study English to me and that make me smart person so. I can go to good University and I can be a teacher someday. So. study English is very important in life. If the other person ask me. Do you want to join CIA Englsih camp again? My answer is NO. I really wanted to join CIA camp again but now I’m middle school student so I will study hard and I will focus in school. So. I don’t have enough time. I like CIA Korean staffs and many Filipino teachers but everyday I have to study and I have to wake up early so. I feel tired. That is one of my reason. But. if I have enough time I want to join CIA camp again because every Saturday activities is very interesting and wonderful. So. I want to join again. 


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