Logger Script 18th CIA Special English Camp - S8033 김가현 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Special English Camp - S8033 김가현

작성자: T-jun님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,875회    댓글: 0



             At first I came to this camp because of my mother’s decision. She said. “You are now in 6th grade. Your friends went to Philippines when they were third grade to study English and your school friend Jenney is going to Philippines to study. too. Besides. you have to study. Your sister Christine is going. too. When I heard what my mom said I thought like I do like to go because I want to improve my English skills. But if I go to Philippines. I will miss my family. Besides. I am not very close to Jenney. what can I do? At first. I couldn’t decide what to choose. but at last I decided to go to CIA English Camp.


             After a few days when I decided to go to Philippines I understand that I have a little time to go to Philippines. Time went by little by little. But to me. I thought the time was very short. Then finally it was D-day. I went to the airport. When I arrived at the airport. I thought I would miss my mother and father and sort of the things I used to do. That’s the time when there were tears in my eyes.


             On the airplane that I rode going to Philippines I was nervous and worried. And I missed my mother and father the most.


             The first week in the Philippines was hard. I missed my mother and father. I used to fight with my sister and friends because I was tired. I couldn’t adapt yet. so I had a hard time. When it was on the second week. I felt good and then I became much more cheerful. My grades became much better and I got good communication with my teachers. You know. someone also makes me feel good. It is my best riend. Signy. Jenney was the school friend of mine. too. But Jenney always doesn’t get along with me very well. Instead of Jenney. Signey gets along with me very well. so she is my best friend. On the activity side. I went to SM and Gaisano malls. In the next activity. we went to Plantation Bay and Tambuli beach to try jetski and banana boat. I think my best experience was when we went to SM mall to go shopping. It’s because we saw and bought lots of things. So I have learned. oh! There are these kinds of things in SM. and oh! We can buy those things in SM. Also I was young but I had money in my hand so I could learn how to spend money and also about economy.


             I think English language is very important in my life because I can achieve my goals using my English skills. My goal is to become a fashion designer. And if I study English hard. I will become popular and famous fashion designer. Also. if I have an interview. I can talk about many things freely. That’s the reason why I study English and how important English in my life.


             Now. I think this camp is good because I can improve my English skills. I like the activities and now I have improved my confidence more than before I came here. Anyway. I like this camp but I am not sure to come back here because I will be going to middle school.


             Thank you!


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