Logger Script 18th CIA Special English Camp - S8018 한우빈 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Special English Camp - S8018 한우빈

작성자: T-jun님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,950회    댓글: 0



           I told my mother that I’m not good in English and I wanted to go to the Philippines. My mother said “okay”. The next day. my mother said I’ll join the CIA Camp together with my younger brother named Eric and some friends named Danielle and Brian. We are very similar and together we go to school. I go to CIA and study hard. Studying is a little difficult but the teachers teach me and now I’m good in studying. Also. I can talk English very well. In CIA. we have many activities like zip line. Edge Coaster. watch movies. SM mall and Gaisano Mall Shopping and Home Visit. CIA Camp is full of fun but home works are many but that is okay. In CIA. I study hard and I’m good at English and good at talking with other people. Also. I’m very good in speaking. writing. listening and reading. I think English is very fun and easy. I like English. English is my business because my dream job is to become an insect scholar. My best experience is the Home Visit because that house was wonderful. In that house. we watched a movie and played games. We ate yummy foods like chicken. barbeque and rice. In CIA Camp. I learned English. English is important in my dream job. I want to join CIA Camp because CIA Camp is fun and good. In CIA Camp. I learned about Philippines food. English. and Filipino Party. I think CIA Camp is very good especially teachers. staffs and nurses.  That is why I want to join again. I think my mom will be surprise to my skin as well because my skin changed now and that is a big surprise for my mother and father. Also my mother will be surprise one more time because I am not fighting with my younger brother and I played with my friends Brian and Daniel. We never fight! We played together and I can do well in sports.

           In CIA Camp. I learned many things like making friends aside from English. CIA is a good camp.


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