Logger Script 18th CIA Special English Camp - S8029 배유림 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Special English Camp - S8029 배유림

작성자: T-jun님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,885회    댓글: 0


Camp Post Script


           I arrived in the Philippines on December 11. 2011. First day. we had juice. chocolate bread and banana. It’s my first time here. Korea is cold but Philippines is hot. And I want to go back to Korea because I want to see my family and studying English is hard. English test is very hard so my score is low. so I belong to F group. F group is organized even though we are the lowest group. My first friend is Yu-Bin. Yu bin is pretty and cute. But Yu Bin went back to Korea. In the CIA camp. my first friend is Sarah. Sarah is smart but Yu bin is my best friend. I told my friend Sarah that Yu bin will join us. First weekend activity was the Edge Coaster and we went to SM Shopping Mall. Edge coater is interesting. SM Shopping mall is nice. But first. in the SM mall. we had a mission game. I can’t shop in 50 minutes. Sea sport was very nice. I felt stressed. I was knocked down at a single blow because Sea Sport is too fast.

           My best experience is during Sundays at 12:30 because I sleep and it’s almost free time. So. it’s so good. And we had home visit. There. I saw many bugs. But the Philippines’ culture experience is good. In the CIA camp. my English ability is better. but just in my mind. I’m studying English because I want to be a smart person and now all over the world we’re using English. But I like Korea! English is hard. Now adays. English is taught to be the second language. So I want to study more English. I want to improve my speaking skills. I know that if I can speak well. my parents will be proud of me. English is very useful because when we travel to another country. we can easily communicate with other people through English. I hope someday I will become a good speaker. CIA English Camp is very good. I have lots of fun and unforgettable memories here. Filipino and Korean staff teachers are all good. They are very kind and teaches us well. So. I like CIA camp. Maybe. I will join again in this camp. Thank you everyone! I will never forget all good memories here… I am very happy and had lots of fun!


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