Logger Script 18th CIA Special English Camp - S8028 김희진 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Special English Camp - S8028 김희진

작성자: T-Jun님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,700회    댓글: 0





    I arrived in CIA ON December 10. 2011. On that day Mr. Cyrus had an orientation about the camp. I think it was not that useful though. The rule was very simple and everyone can easily understand. It was just too long. I was tired that time. I met Rose and Anna first in CIA Camp. They were very talkative and friendly. My mother told me to join CIA and I think I had a wrong choice.

    On weekend. we have several activities. Most of the times. it is boring and hot. but I liked Plantation Bay the most. I went City Tour on January 20. It was very hot. and full of annoying situations. Nothing I heard. just we were roaming around and taking pictures. I don’t like Zip Line and Edge Coaster. It was waste of time. My best experience in CIA Camp was when I went to Plantation Bay. it was fun. but at the end. it rained a lot. I really improved in my speaking skills but in grammar. reading and listening was not. The biggest problem is we don’t have CD player. it’s only Filipino teacher who reads the passage and I listen. Also. in listening Man to Man class. the cubicles are very noisy so I cannot hear well. And the book schedule is mostly depending on how book looks. not what is the best way we learn better. In discussion class. we don’t have time to discuss; we just read passages and answer the questions. We should have discussion to practice arguing and expressing what I think.

     I study English because English Speaking skill is a must in Korea. The benefits of learning English are that we can get a job easily and have a conversation with foreigners. English is very important. But I don’t recommend coming here in CIA. if you are already good at English. I don’t want to join CIA Camp again.     


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